Welcome to TropicalMap Research Group
Tropical Resources Mapping (TropicalMap) research group (RG) was formed to focus on high quality researches, publications, consultancy works and training/courses related to mapping, monitoring, quantification and modeling of tropical resources using an integrated approach combining digital earth technologies (satellite based remote sensing and Geographical Information System), insitu measurements and ecosystem models. The key research areas this RG focuses include various ecosystems’ ecological processes, water resources management, high spatial resolution mapping and modeling of tropical air pollutants, mapping of tropical fauna and low carbon cities in support of resource management, sustainable development, and climate change challenges.
The RG is equipped with highly qualified researchers, laboratory and field equipment to conduct research in the aforementioned key areas and to provide consultancy and short courses as well as to deliver excellent teaching and training via post graduate supervision. We have established long term collaboration with higher learning institutions and industries in Malaysia and universities/organizations overseas. We welcome more research collaborations with related agencies, full time research students and post-doctoral fellows in the field of digital earth technologies both locally and internationally.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
Dr. Nurul Hazrina Idris
Head of TropicalMap Research Group
Faculty of Geoinformation & Real Estate
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)