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mazlan-trsmOn 2nd of August 2016, Prof Sr Dr Mazlan Hashim has been awarded recipient of Top Research Scientist Malaysia 2016, by Academy of Science Malaysia for his outstanding contribution in Advancing Remote Sensing Technology Applications. Focusing his research on scientific feature extraction for operational applications of remote sensing technology in natural resource management; environmental protection and management; as well as national strategic planning. To enable such diverse applications of remote sensing, Prof Mazlan has devised variety of dedicated satellite image processing techniques and analysis with computing skills to address various issues related on geomatic engineering, aerospace, environmental impact assessment, and signal processing. His main contributions on operational applications of remote sensing is evident by the total number of 188 indexed publications related to these works (authored/co-authored) in SCOPUS and web-of-science. These publications receive consistent citations globally. He has also been frequently invited as top-ranked journals reviewer in remote sensing as well as a plenary speaker.

Inline with the emerging global imaging technology enablers, Prof Mazlan has merged related diverse application needs in engineering sciences; applied sciences and technologies; environmental sciences, information and computer sciences where his feature extraction technique can either be applied to remotely sensed data from orbiting satellites, terrestrial platforms or for subsurface diagnostic mapping and analysis. Transforming these techniques to address operational gaps in humid tropical regions, notable contributions were in mapping of ecology services and goods and their impact due to landscape development, particularly in forest carbon storage; and coastal substrate mapping for seagrass and other features for devising emerging need of acquiring information on blue-carbon. Both these contributions are very essential to be undertaken for regulating national and global policies on mitigating climate change effects. The ecologically sound landscape development will ensure vibrant biodiversity that ensure all pertinent food and water resources security. Only with the well-mapped coastal substrates enable sustainable management of coastal fishery environment for supporting related fishery and tourism industries. Thus, providing paramount resources sustainable not only to coastal fisherman livelihood but also as an important economical protein-source for the nation. In commerlising these applications, a university-spin-off company has been successfully formed using the patents created for the feature extraction techniques.

His contribution has received various international recognitions (such as Eduord Dolezal Award 1996; Eco-frontier fellowship award 2003-2005, Sciencedirect top-25-downloads 2013, 2014, 2015) and held several positions as Visiting Professor/Scientist at Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan (2011-2016); Univ. of Cambridge, United Kingdom (2010); National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan (2002, 2003, 2004), Peking University, China (1990), and Tohoku Univ, Japan (1989). He has also established collaboration networks for these applications in the research for Asia Pacific Network, Marie-Curie Project of European Union, Japanese Society for Promotinal of Science, Chinese Academy of Science on Remote Sensing & Digital Earth, Arab Academy of Science, Marine, Technology & Transport among collaborations through which has continuously enhanced his knowledge, helped finding knowledge gaps, essential for nurturing new research ideas to prospective research students.



Prof Sr Dr Mazlan Hashim was born on 14 April 1961 in Batu Pahat, Johor and brought up in Johor Bahru. He started his early education at the Larkin English School (1), Johor Bahru and continued his secondary school at the Dato Jaafar English Secondary School in Johor Bahru. In 1979, he pursued the Bachelor Degree in Surveying (Land) Programme at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur. Upon completion of the course in July 10, 1984, he began his academic career as Assistant Lecturer “A” at the Faculty of Surveying (now known as Faculty of Geoinformation & Real Estate), UTM, Kuala Lumpur.

In September 1985, he continued his studies at the Dept. of Surveying Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Canada and graduated with merit in the M. Eng degree in summer 1987. He was then appointed as Lecturer in Dec 1990. In winter 1992, he pursued his doctoral study in environmental remote sensing at the Dept. of Environmental Science, University of Stirling, United Kingdom and obtained his PhD degree in winter, 1995. In 1993, he was appointed as Associate Professor, and later promoted to full Professor in 2003.

Dr Mazlan Hashim has held various administrative posts which include secondment as Deputy Director of Malaysian Centre for Remote Sensing (MACRES), Ministry of Science, Technology & the Environment in 1990-1992. He was appointed as Head of the UTM Centre for Remote Sensing in 1996-1998, Head Panel of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing in1996-1998, Head of UTM Research Focus Group on Aerospace, Information Technology & Telecommunication (ASITT) in 2002-2006, and was the Head Department of Remote Sensing at the Faculty, July 1998 – June 2008. Currently, he is the Director of Institute of Geospatial Science & Technology (INSTeG).

Prof Mazlan is an active researcher engaging in both national and international research projects. His main research interest is in the utilization of remote sensing technology for environmental applications and satellite digital image processing. These include his participation as Principal Investigator (PI) in the International Global Rainforest Mapping Programme (GRMP) awarded by the Japanese Space Exploration and Exploitation Agency (JAXA) in 1999 which involved the use of Synthetic Aperture Radar of JERS-1 Satellite data for mapping biophysical parameters of rain forests in South East Asia. He was also the PI in the JPL/NASA Pacrim Campaign for AIRSAR/TOPSAR Airborne Radar Remote Sensing Project from 1997-2000. In 2002, he was awarded as one of the twelve annually awarded fellowships by International Environmental Research Fund sponsored by the Ministry of Environment, Japan to undertake studies on risk assessment due to landscape development in the tropic and later awarded an expansion to mapping of ecological service values and goods for tropical environment using remote sensing and GIS from 2003 to 2004. He was also the co-investigator with NASA group on use of satellite remote sensing data for Air quality monitoring and Coastal environment indicator for Environmental Performance Index (EPI) headed by the Columbia University, U.S.A. (2010-2011). Recently in April 2012, he is one of the project leaders for joint research with Tokyo Metropolitan University on Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in urban and peripheral ecosystems, funded by Tokyo Government, Japan. At the national levels, he was also a PI for more than 10 long-term research projects with funding from MOSTI, MOHE as well as contract research from government agencies and private firms.

Prof Mazlan has authored/co-authored over 400 scientific articles published in various scientific articles in book chapters and conference proceedings. His interests in publications of SCI articles started since he completed his M.Sc. degree in 1987 and have been continuously active publishing with his fellow staff and research students. Presently have over 200 publications indexed in SCI, and have been ranked top 3 spots globally in the SciVal database in remote sensing applications for sea surface (distinctive competency) and geoscience (emerging competency) since 2012 as publication and reference leaders. Four of his SCI articles on remote sensing applications have been awarded as top 25 articles download in Sciendirect in 2012, 2013.

He is a member of the editorial board for two leading SCI based international journals in remote sensing, geospatial sciences and technology, apart being actively engaged as guest editors and reviewers in his area of expertise by journals published by Taylor & Francis, Elsevier and IEEE.

Prof Mazlan has also been invited as Keynotes and resource person facilitating in various conferences and gatherings relating to remote sensing and related geospatial technologies at both national and international levels: the ASEAN cities, Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul, Vienna, Vancouver, Tangiers, and Tehran. He has hosted several international visiting researcher/scientists/professors from Japan, Canada, Morocco, Egypt, China, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Germany and the Netherlands who have spent their sabbatical leave or as visiting scientists/Professors with Prof Mazlan either in the Dept. of Remote Sensing or INSTeG at UTM.

Dr Mazlan Hashim has won several awards at university, national and international levels that include UTM Excellent Service Award (1996, 2003, 2006 and 2010); UTM high impact journal publication awards (2011, 2012, 2014); UTM Research Award 2002 (Individual); UTM Research Group Award 2003; Best journal articles awards in space application by Malaysian National Space Agency for 2005, 2009 and 2010; Edourd Dolezal Award for outstanding research works in operationalization of remote sensing applications for natural resource and environmental mapping by the International Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (ISPRS) and Best Paper & Speaker Award by Asian Association on Remote Sensing (1989, 2006) with secretariat in University of Tokyo.

Prof Mazlan also serves as key Panel Expert in various related Ministries in consulting the Government in related projects on applications of geospatial technology applications in monitoring environmental and natural resource management. Since 2007 till present, he is the Panel experts for various panel on research evaluation such MyLab, Fundamental Research in Natural Sciences & National Heritage for Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia and Scifund for MOSTI. He is also the panel in the Expert Review Panel on Brain Gain Malaysia for Academy Science Malaysia 2011-2103. At present, he is also the Chairman for Sub-Cluster on Geoinformation in the Engineering and Technology Cluster of the Professor Council Malaysia.

He is a professional member of IEEE and IEEE Transactions of Geoscience & Remote Sensing; Professional member of Malaysian Royal Institution of Surveyors; member of International Association of Hydrology Scientists; and the exco of Malaysia Institution of Geospatial and Remote Sensing; excom of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 2012-2013.

Prof Sr Dr Mazlan Hashim dilahirkan pada 14 April 1961 di Batu Pahat, Johor dan dibesarkan di Johor Bahru. Beliau memulakan pendidikan awal di Sekolah InggerisLarkin (1), Johor Bahru dan seterusnya di Sekolah Menengah Inggeris Dato Jaafar di Johor Bahru. Beliau kemudiannya melanjutkan pengajian di UTM, Kuala Lumpur pada tahun 1979 dalam program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Ukur (Tanah) Kuala Lumpur. Pada Julai 10, 1984, beliau memulakan kerjaya sebagai Penolong Pensyarah “A” di FakultiUkur (kini dikenali sebagai Fakulti Geoinformasi & Harta Tanah), UTM, Kuala Lumpur.

Beliau meneruskan pengajian ke peringkat Sarjana di Fakulti Kejuruteraan, Universiti New Brunswick, Kanada dan mendapat Ijazah Sarjana M.Eng pada Julai 1987. Beliau kemudiannya dilantik sebagai Pensyarah pada Disember 1990. Pada Disember 1992,beliau melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat kedoktoran dalam bidang remotesensing alam sekitar di Jabatan Sains Alam Sekitar, University of Stirling, United Kingdom dan memperolehi ijazah PhD beliau pada musim sejuk, 1995. Pada tahun 1993, beliau telah dilantik sebagai Profesor Madya, dan kemudiannya dinaikkan pangkat ke Profesor pada tahun 2003.

Dr Mazlan Hashim telah memegang pelbagai jawatan pentadbiran yang termasuk dipinjamkan
sebagai Timbalan Pengarah Pusat Malaysia bagi Remote Sensing(MACRES), Kementerian Sains, Teknologi & Alam Sekitar pada 1990-1992. Beliau telah dilantik sebagai Ketua Pusat Remote Sensing UTM pada tahun 1996-1998, PanelKetua Fotogrammetri & Remote Sensing in1996-1998, Ketua Kumpulan Fokus Penyelidikan UTM bidang Aeroangkasa, Teknologi Maklumat & Telekomunikasi (ASITT) dalam 2002-2006, dan Ketua Jabatan Remote Sensing di Fakulti Geoinformasi dan Harta Tanah, Julai 1998 – Jun 2008. Kini, beliau adalah Pengarah InstitutGeospatial Sains & Teknologi (INSTeG).

Prof Mazlan terlibat secara aktif dalam projek-projek penyelidikan peringkat nasional dan antarabangsa. Penyelidikan yang paling diminati adalah dalam gunapakai teknologi remote sensing untuk aplikasi alam sekitar dan pemprosesan imej berdigit satelit. Ini termasuk penyertaan sebagai Penyelidik Utama (PI) dalamInternational Global Rainforest Mapping Programme (GRMP) yang disumbangkan olehJapanese Space Exploration and Exploitation Agency (JAXA) pada 1999 yang melibatkan penggunaan Synthetic Aperture Radar satelit JERS-1 untuk pemetaan parameter biofizikal hutan hujan tropika di Asia Tenggara. Beliau juga adalah PI untuk JPL/NASA Pacrim Campaign for AIRSAR/TOPSAR Airborne Radar Remote Sensing Project pada 1997-2000. Pada 2002, beliau merupakan salah seorang daripada dua belas penerima anugerah tahunan daripada International Environmental Research Fund yang disumbangkan oleh Kementerian Alam Sekitar Jepun untuk melakukan kajian penilaian risiko disebabkan pembangunan lanskap di kawasan tropika, seterusnya dikembangkan kepada pemetaan nilai khidmat ekologi dan barangan tropika menggunakan GIS dan remote sensing pada 2003 dan 2004. Beliau juga penyelidik bersama kumpulan NASA dalam penggunaan data satelit untuk pemantauan kualiti udara dan indicator persekitaran pantai untuk Indeks Prestasi Alam Sekitar (EPI) yang diketuai oleh Columbia University, U.S.A. (2010-2011). Terkini, pada April 2012, beliau adalah salah seorang ketua projek penyelidikan bersama dengan Tokyo Metropolitan University dalam Kelestarian dan Pemuliharaan biodiversity dalam ekosistem Bandar dan sekelilingnya yang dibiayai oleh Kerajaan Tempatan Tokyo, Jepun. Diperingkat nasional, beliau juga PI kepada lebih 10 projek penyelidikan jangka panjang melalui pembiayaan daripada MOSTI, MOHE dan penyelidikan kontrak daripada agensi kerajaan dan firma swasta.

Lebih daripada 400 artikel berimpak tinggi dalam pelbagai jurnal antarabangsa berwasit yang diindeks dalam Science Citation Index (SCI) telah dikarang oleh beliau / bersama, selain daripada banyak penerbitan dalam pelbagai artikel saintifik dalam bab-bab buku dan prosiding persidangan. Minat beliau dalam penerbitan artikel SCI bermula sejak beliau menamatkan ijazah M.Sc. pada tahun 1987 dan berterusan, kini beliau aktif menerbitkan bersama-sama staf dan pelajar penyelidikan. Beliau adalah ahli lembaga editor untuk 2 jurnal SCI terkemuka peringkat antarabangsa dalam bidang remote sensing, sains dan teknologi geospatial, selain aktif terlibat sebagai editor dan pengulas jemputan dalam bidang kepakarannya oleh jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Taylor & Francis, Elsevier dan IEEE.

Prof. Mazlan juga telah dijemput sebagai Pengucap Utama dan sumber rujukan pemudah cara dalam pelbagai persidangan dan perhimpunan yang berkaitan dengan remote sensing dan teknologi berkaitan geospatial di peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa: bandar-bandar ASEAN, Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul, Vienna, Vancouver, Tangiers, dan Tehran . Beliau telah menjadi tuan rumah beberapa penyelidik / saintis / profesor pelawat antarabangsa dari Jepun, Kanada, Maghribi, Mesir, China, United Kingdom, Arab Saudi, Iran dan Belanda untuk mengisi cuti sabatikal mereka atau sebagai Saintis / Profesor pelawat dengan Prof Mazlan sama ada di dalam Jabatan Remote Sensing atau INSTeG di UTM.

Dr Mazlan Hashim telah memenangi beberapa anugerah di peringkat universiti, kebangsaan dan antarabangsa, termasuklah Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang UTM (1996, 2003, 2006 dan 2010); Anugerah Penyelidikan UTM 2002 (individu); Anugerah Penyelidikan (Kumpulan) UTM 2003; anugerah artikel jurnal terbaik daripada Agensi Angkasa Negara Malaysia bagi tahun 2005, 2009 dan 2010; Anugerah Edourd Dolezal untuk penyelidikan yang cemerlang dalam kerja-kerja mengoperasikan aplikasi remote sensing untuk pemetaan sumber asli dan alam sekitar oleh Persatuan Antarabangsa bagi Fotogrammetri & Remote Sensing (ISPRS) dan Kertas Terbaik & Anugerah Speaker oleh Persatuan Remote Sensing Asia (1989, 2006) yang bersekretariat di Universiti Tokyo.

Prof Mazlan juga berperanan sebagai Panel Pakar Utama dalam beberapa Kementerian bagi memberi khidmat nasihat kepada Kerajaan dalam projek-projek berkaitan aplikasi teknologi geospatial dalam memantau pengurusan sumber alam dan alam sekitar. Sejak 2007 hingga kini, beliau adalah pakar Panel Penyelidikan Fundamental dalam Sains Tulen & Warisan Kebangsaan bagi Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia dan Pakar Pengulas Panel Brain Gain Malaysia untuk Akademi Sains Malaysia. Pada masa ini, beliau adalah Pengerusi bagi Kelompok Kecil Geoinformasi di bawah Kelompok Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi di dalam Majlis Profesor Malaysia.

Beliau adalah ahli profesional IEEE and IEEE Transactions of Geoscience & Remote Sensing; Pertubuhan Jurukur DiRaja Malaysia; International Association of Hydrology Scientists; dan J/K Ekskutif Pertubuhan Geospatial dan Remote Sensing Malaysia; J/K Ekskutif IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.