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Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world with more than 20 percent of deaths in Malaysia caused by diseases of the circulatory system where Cardiovascular disease is a subset.

Early detection is one of the best ways to prevent more severe consequences of Cardiovascular disease.

Experts in the field of bio-engineering and mechanical engineering from UTM are working with data provided by National Heart Institute Foundation (IJN) in a research entitled the “Microfluidics for Continuous Transdermal Insulin Delivery”

The project led by Research Fellow of the UTM Faculty of Biomedical and Medical Engineering (FBME), Prof. Dr Ida Idayu Muhammad will investigate drug delivery systems for insulin-dependent patients, as most diabetic patients suffer from diseases related to the heart, while the management of pharmacological drugs on them were complicated.

Drug delivery systems are supramolecular assemblies incorporating agents intended to treat a disease. They are used to overcome the shortcomings of the conventional drugs, such as unfavorable pharmacokinetics, poor solubility, instability, high toxicity, drug resistance and low cellular uptake. People who have diabetes can develop Diabetic Heart Disease. The higher a person’s blood sugar level is, the higher his or her risk of DHD.

Two stages of the study that will be done through research, namely research on animals before studies on humans are carried out.

This cooperation is to the benefit of both parties that incorporate a combination of feedback in terms of IJN materials and energy experts in the field of bio-engineering and mechanical engineering from UTM.

More info on this research or other related research in this field, visit IJN-UTM Cardio Centre